Pollution Research
One of the main purposes of pollution research is to prevent negative impacts on human and ecosystem health.
It is therefore important to deal with environmental pollution early.
One of the main purposes of pollution research is to prevent negative impacts on human and ecosystem health.
It is therefore important to deal with environmental pollution early.
By its nature, pollution research can be time-consuming and costly. However, that time and money are well spent as the research can prevent unexpected pollution issues from arising when construction is started. Targeted pollution research can therefore bring financial benefits. Our experts also strive to reduce laboratory chemical analysis costs through concise pollution research. We look at, for example, historical sources and use both our senses and measuring devices in the field.
There are many things to consider at the beginning of the planning process, for example when the land use of an area is being altered. Verkís’ experts place great emphasis on surveying the pollution status of a site at the very beginning of the process, because the results can influence how the site is planned in terms of different sensitive receptors (e.g. whether it is a preschool area, an apartment building with home cultivation, or a commercial space.)
Stages of pollution research at Verkís:
First stage: Preliminary Site Investigation
Consists mostly of data gathering, where the history of the site, including possible pollution, is traced. A conceptual site model, which summarises the existing knowledge, is created and continues to develop as more data is acquired.
Second stage: Detailed Site Investigation
The preliminary investigation dictates the direction of the detailed investigation, e.g. regarding sampling points. Sampling for chemical analysis of oil substances, heavy metals, and volatile organic substances, amongst others, and processing the results of the chemical analyses. The conceptual site model continues to evolve.
Third and fourth stage: Remedial measures and monitoring
By carrying out the first and second stage of the pollution research, it is possible to accurately assess the scope and type of the remedial measures that are needed. A monitoring period follows remedial measures to assess their progress.
Erla Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir
Environmental Geochemist Ph.D.
Division: Infrastructure
Hugrún Gunnarsdóttir
Fish Biologist M.Sc. / Marketing manager
Division: Infrastructure