
Autodesk University conference

Autodesk University conference
Holmen swimminghall

Davíð Friðgeirsson, BIM Manager and Construction Engineer at Verkís, is one of the speakers at Autodesk University conference in Las Vegas, November 13-15

Davíð will present „How BIM 360 Glue Supports Verkís BIM Implementation.“

Verkís has set its goal to be one of Iceland‘s leading consulting firm in BIM, providing high-quality, professional and internationally recognized BIM consulting services as well as being an active participant in professional develipment as the BIM is carried throuh in Iceland. Read more about BIM service Verkís here.

The Conference stands for „The future of making“ where makers and designers gather to share knowledge and build professional connections. More about the conference here.

At the beginning of November, Autodesk published an article about „How Connected Construction Data Helped Verkís Win on 3 Major Jobs“. Read the article here.

World goals

Autodesk University conference
Holmen swimminghall