
Inter airport Europe 2023

Inter airport
Inter Airport Europe

The 24th annual inter airport Europe conference took place last week at the Munich Trade Fair Center in Germany, and it featured presentations on the most recent innovations in airport architecture, engineering, services, and equipment. Verkís had a booth at the exhibition where we spoke with attendees and other exhibitors while showcasing our projects and services as subject matter experts. The conference Inter airport Focus: The sustainability summit, which was held in conjunction with the exhibition, featured a number of fascinating lectures that the Verkís staff attended as well.

The booth’s main attraction was a video that featured, among other things, a simulation of airside traffic, both aircraft and service vehicles, on the apron, taxiways, and service roads. The model’s objective is to spot traffic-related problems during the planning or early design phase so a timely and appropriate response can be formulated.

Visitors and other exhibitors showed a lot of interest in what Verkís has been working on in terms of airport design, and we appreciate all the people who stopped by to talk to us. We can move forward in a valuable way thanks to the connections we made at the conference.

Anyone interested in learning more about these initiatives and services can peruse an online brochure.

World goals

Inter airport
Inter Airport Europe