Kári Steinar went with a rescue team to Turkey

Kári Steinar Karlsson, civil engineer at Verkís, is one of the eleven Icelanders that went to the disaster area in Turkey last night, but ten thousand people have been found dead in the ruins after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
This is a team run by the Landsbjörg – ICE-SAR Association – which consists of experts in operation management and operation coordination. Dr. Sólveig Þorvaldsdóttir, civil engineer, leads the team.
Kári is one of three civil engineers in the team. They will use their education and experience in the field. Sólveig said in an interview with Morgunblaðið this morning that the engineers will go out to the field and be the eyes and ears of those working in the operation coordination center. We are proud to have Kári in our ranks and wish him and the team the best of luck in this challenging operation.
The organization Unicef in Iceland, the Red Cross, Barnaheill – Save the Children in Iceland and Hjálparstarf kirkjunnar – act alliance have all started collections for the victims of the earthquakes.