
Þeistareykir geothermal power plant fully operational

Þeistareykir geothermal power plant

The second turbine unit at the Theistareykir geothermal power plant has now been commissioned and the plant is now fully operational. The installed power at the Theistareykir plant is 90 MW, introduced in two 45 MW stages.

The first stage went into operation in November 2017 while the second 45 MW unit has been undergoing trial operation since mid-February.

Construction and installation of the second stage of the plant went according to schedule. This is in line with the project as a whole, as work on the plant has followed schedule from the onset.

The detailed design of the Theistareykir plant and Tender preparation for the various work, equipment and system packages commenced at the end of 2011. Verkís and Mannvit were the technical consultants for the Owner, Icelandic Power Company Landsvirkjun, in addition to architects TARK and landscape designers Landslag. Plant design took aim of plant economy, responsible utilisation of the resource and harmony with the surrounding nature of Theistareykir.

The Verkís and Mannvit consultancy team were responsible for i.a. all plant equipment, electrical installations, control systems, buildings, structures and the steam supply system. The team was furthermore engaged in the supervision of electrical and mechanical installation works during the plant’s construction phase, as well as supervising work on the control systems and landscaping. Assistance during the testing and commissioning phase was also conducted by Verkís and Mannvit.

The construction phase of the plant began in April 2015. Various contractors and equipment suppliers were contracted for the works, the main being LNS Saga (now Munck) which erected the powerhouse and the steam supply system and Fuji that supplied the plant turbines and cooling towers.

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Þeistareykir geothermal power plant