Verkís at ECSMGE 2019 in Reykjavík

ECSMGE 2019 will be held in Reykjavík Iceland 1st to 6th of September 2019. The theme of the conference is „Geotechnical Engineering, foundation of the future“. This is the first time the conference is being held in Iceland.
Verkís will be at ECSMGE 2019, at the exhibition area, booth nr. 46 in Harpa. Guests are encouraged to check in at the booth and have a talk will our staff.
Pálmi R. Pálmason, Civil Engineer M.Sc. at Verkís, will give a talk about Design of fuse plugs in earth-rockfill dams in Iceland.
His talk is based on an article that was written by Pálmi, Fjóla Guðrún Sigtryggsdóttir, NTNU, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, Kristín Martha Hákonardóttir, Civil Engineer M.Sc. at Verkís, Auður Atladóttir, Civil Engineer M.Sc. at Verkís, Hörn Hrafnsdóttir, Water Resources Engineer M.Sc. at Verkís and Ólöf Rós Káradóttir, Landsvirkjun, The National Power Company of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland. Fjóla and Ólöf worked at Verkís previously. Here is the article.
Verkís provides one-stop service and consultancy in the field of geotechnical engineering. The firm employs highly experienced engineers with specialist training in the area of geotechnical engineering. Geotechnical consultancy and services concern numerous types of structures, such as power plants, roads, harbours, airports, and buildings.