Verkís at Nordic BIM 260 forum in Sweden

Last week our BIM Manager, Davíð Friðgeirsson, delivered a presentation at Nordic BIM 360 Forum in Stockholm, Sweden. The title of his presentation was Simplify coordination, clash detection and design review processes with BIM 360.
This was the first Nordic BIM 360 conference. Most of the participants were from Sweden but also from Norway and Denmark. Davíð was the only participant from Iceland.
About Davíð‘s presentation:
Verkís Consulting Engineers has gained various benefits from using BIM 360 software. Before taking on BIM 360, coordination and clash detection of models was a time-consuming process that delayed project delivery. Project managers had less overview over the design process in BIM projects and involving stakeholders in the BIM process was often unsuccessful.
With BIM 360 Verkís has streamlined coordination and clash-detection processes involving designers in the cloud environment, shortening coordination meetings and delivering better-coordinated models in less time.