
Verkís collaborates in the future development of Hlíðarfjall

On top of Hlíðarfjall

A company with future plans for construction in Hlíðarfjall was founded in Akureyri in October, 2017. The company was named Hlíðarhryggur ehf. and is made up of the following companies: Verkís, Sannir landvættir, Íslensk verðbréf, Yrki Architects, Village of Akureyri and the investment trust Verðandi.

The company was founded on the group’s proposal to take over management of the entire Hlíðarfjall area in the next 35-40 years, to build it up and market it.

The focus is on utilizing the area throughout the year, including ideas to install a cable car to bring people up to the top of Hlíðarfjall mountain and to a hotel. Additional ideas include facilities for riding and hiking. Skiing will continue to play a key role during the winter months.

A thorough analysis of the condition of the site will be undertaken, housing and equipment will be evaluated as well as an assessment of operating costs and potential funding. The company will publish a report shortly in which information regarding the analysis and assessment will be made available.

Verkís and Akureyri are the largest shareholders, each with a 25% holding, while others own a 12.5% stake in the company.

Sannir Landvættir ehf. was founded by Bergrisi and Verkís. The company was established with the purpose to promote development tourist destinations in cooperation with landowners, municipalities and the government.

World goals

On top of Hlíðarfjall