Verkís Grønland steps onto the stage

At the end of the last year, changes were made in the operation of Verkís in Greenland. The company, which is located in Nuuk, is now 100% owned by Verkís, but had until then been in 50% ownership of Verkís.
The name of the company was changed, and is now called Verkís Grønland. Michael Karing took over the position of managing director, but there are in total four employees.
The staff tackles a wide range of projects across Greenland. Verkís has some history in Greenland, and has over the years been involved in many kind of projects in the country. These include the construction of energy structures, the design of schools and other public buildings and apartment buildings, tunnel and road construction as well as several projects related to the environment and pollution.
“I feel that being fully owned by Verkís has strengthened us. It is important to know who we are, and that we are all headed in the same direction. We see ourselves as a small part of a big Icelandic family, and together we are strong,” says Michael. He says that there are many infrastructure projects in Greenland that need to be solved, and he sees Verkís Grønland as part of the solution.
“We definitely feel that with Verkís’ support, we have the confidence to pursue our part of these projects. We are building a strong and flexible internal organization, and need to strengthen our local capabilities with new people in the office.”
Michael has a clear vision for Verkís Grønland. It is important to be larger and more visible than before, and that it is clear what the company stands for, so customers are fully aware of the service they are getting. Verkís Grønland does not have to participate in everything, but when participating in a project, the company must be 100% present. “We want to show clients that we are trustworthy, honest and professional,” says Michael.
These days, Verkís Grønland’s employees have several projects in the implementation phase. Work is underway on the renovation of public housing in southern Greenland, the construction of a new airport in Nuuk, Steno – Greenland’s diabetes center, as well as various projects for Nuuk, the municipality where Verkís Grønland has its headquarter.
On the occasion of the above mentioned changes, customers and colleagues were invited to view the facilities in Nuuk last June the 6th. Guests enjoyed refreshments and learned about the activities, and talked to the staff members.
In the top picture you can see from left: Haukur Þór Haraldsson, Tommy Jensen, Hildisif Björgvinsdóttir, Lars Vinter, Michael Karing and Carsten Tørnes. Haukur Þór and Hildisif work in Iceland, while the other four work for Verkís Grønland. Haukur Þór is the chairman of Verkís Grønland.