

Lighting design by Ægisgarður.

These are six sales cottages at Ægisgarður for which Verkís’ lighting team was responsible for designing the lighting.

The sales cottages are leased out by Faxaflóahafnir to companies in the tourism industry, and there is another cluster of sales and service buildings at Vesturbugt at the old harbour. The sales cottages are connected by wooden platforms with benches and storage sheds for all kinds of equipment.

The lighting was designed as a cohesive whole and carefully planned. Particular efforts were made so the lighting inside would have a positive effect on the appearance of the buildings. The street lighting was also specially designed so as not to draw attention away from the cottages, but at the same time fulfills all requirements regarding lighting.

Verkís’ lighting team received a “Gold” award from the Built Back Better Awards for the design of all the lighting for the sales cottages at Ægisgarður.

Technical information


The Old Harbour in Reykjavík

Project period:



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