

Verkís was responsible for engineering design and consultancy of engineering factors.

The kindergarten Álfaborg is located in Reykholt in Biskupstungur, next to a sport center, swimming pool and the elementary school of the area.

Particular consideration is given to acoustics and is a costum interior covering of walls and ceilings in the ceiling which ensures both good acoustics and meets the conditions of fire design. The building is boarded (on the outside) with corrugated iron on both the walls and the roof.

When designing the building, both the buyer and the designer were given the opportunity to study the virtual reality structure at the Verkís headquarters in Ofanleiti in Reykjavík.

The building is divided into three department, by age. Between departments are two group rooms and a rest room. Then there is a large cloakroom in the hallway and dining room for staff and students. The building also has a teacher’s lounge and study room, room for special education, art workshop, darkroom.

Technical information


Reykholt, Iceland


560 m²

Project period:

2018 – 2019


World goals