
Germencik geothermal power plant

Verkís was the Technical Adviser to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other potential lenders for the 123,3 MW Germencik geothermal power plant project during the project preparation and design up to financial close phase.

Germencik is a geothermal power plant located in Aydin, Turkey and owned by Güriş Holding. Gurmat 1, a 47,4 MW dual flash plant began commercial operation in 2009 and successful implementation resulted in expansion plans shortly thereafter. Once the expansion Efeler binary and dual flash power plants will be completed in 2015/2016, the Germencik plant will reach 170 MW capacity, making it one of the ten largest geothermal plants in the world.
Verkís led the due-diligence and technical assistance work for the EBRB as lender, in collaboration with ISOR, Iceland Geosurvey, and Stucky in Turkey. The team provided advice regarding the technical integrity of the project and the suitability of all institutional, legal and contractual arrangements for detailed design, construction, and operation of Project facilities as well as Project Development Agreement & Transmission Agreements with the government of Turkey and Power Purchasing Agreements of the Project Company.

Technical information


Aydin, Turkey


123.3 megawatts

Project period:

2014 – 2015


World goals