
Álftanes – Plan for land-use

The areas of Breiðumýri, Krókur, Helguvík, Skógtjörn, and Kumlamýri fall under the new land-use plan for Álftanes.

In Breiðumýri, up to 252 apartments are planned in nine apartment blocks. In Krókur, up to 51 apartments are expected in seven rows of terraced houses. In Helguvík, up to 23 single-family houses on two streets are expected, and in Kumlamýri, up to 40 apartments in 20 semi-detached houses are expected. The aim is for a low-rise settlement and that none of the buildings will be higher than three floors.

Verkís carried out an environmental assessment, the planning of utilities, and conducted an analysis of acoustics and possible improvements. Verkís also participated in work on traffic planning. Verkís will design the street and path system, as well as the sewage system for tender documents.

Technical information



Project period:

2018 –


World goals