

When finished, Bjarkarland will accommodate around 700 apartments and there will be a combined primary, play, and music school with a gymnasium.

Verkís oversees, amongst other things, the preliminary and final design of streets with sidewalks, intersections, including one roundabout, and the design of playgrounds, lawns, and walking paths.

The work also includes the design of sewage systems, water utilities, and blue-green surface water solutions where applicable, supervision of the coordination of the design and tender documents of the utility companies, as well as the design of street lighting.

Verkís also handles the design of temporary access routes and work site markings due to phased work components, if necessary, and surveying of the area and processing. Verkís also handled the preparation of tender documents for construction in the first phase and cost estimates for tenders.

All phases of the project have been designed and construction began at the end of 2019. When the neighborhood is ready, it will be about 40 hectares. The length of the streets is a total of 6.8 km and the length of walking and cycling paths is a total of 5.7 km.

Technical information


Selfoss, Suðurland


40 hectares

Project period:

2018 –


World goals