Fire Safety
Verkís offers comprehensive solutions in the field of fire safety design and ensures that all systems work together as expected.
There are many angles to consider when it comes to fire prevention and safety.
Verkís offers comprehensive solutions in the field of fire safety design and ensures that all systems work together as expected.
There are many angles to consider when it comes to fire prevention and safety.
As structures become larger and more complex, the need for expertise to ensure optimal safety increases.
Verkís provides a variety of services in the field of fire prevention and safety, whether it is the design of automatic fire extinguishing equipment, inspections and design of renovations of older buildings, cost and project schedules, evacuation and response plans or the creation of hydrodynamic models of fire development along with smoke and heat generation.
Verkís employs a team of experts in the field of fire safety design who have extensive experience in the target design of complex structures. The company also has experts in the field of load-bearing structures, fire alarm systems, emergency lighting, smoke extraction, and ventilation. Cooperation between different disciplines can be the key to a good solution.
The aim of fire safety design is to fulfill the main objective of building regulations on the safety of people and property against fire. As structures become larger and more complex, the need for expertise to ensure optimal and efficient fire safety increases. In recent years, Verkís has handled fire safety design in Iceland as well as abroad, mostly in Norway.
Guðmundur Ámundason
Civil Engineer M.Sc.
Division: Buildings
Harpa Steinunn Steingrímsdóttir
Civil- and Structural Engineering M.Sc.
Division: Buildings