
Flood Defenses

Verkís has carried out diverse projects and consultation related to avalanches.

Flooding can be classified as avalanches, slush floods, landslide, and falling rocks, where examples of flood protection are catching dams, cones, avalanche nets, snow collection grids, wind breakers, and rockfall nets.

Diverse projects

Verkís employs experienced experts in this field who have participated in the formulation of risk assessment regulations and international guidelines for the design of flood defenses, along with preliminary research in that field. Furthermore, our experts have worked on resolving specialised projects with foreign experts from Norway, France, Switzerland, and Austria, along with experts from the Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Most of Verkís’ projects have been related to the design of flood defenses and their construction in urban areas, including Flateyri, Ísafjörður, Neskaupstaður, Patreksfjörður, and Bíldudalur, but also above individual buildings, such as the waste incinerator Funi in Ísafjörður, the substation of Kárahnjúkavirkjun in Fljótsdalur, and Fosshótel in Patreksfjörður.

The company has most often been involved in the snow-technical design of defenses, the so-called preliminary inspection, but also in other stages of construction; during project design, which includes structural and geotechnical design, and construction supervision. Verkís’ experts have sat on risk assessment committees in Iceland and assessed risks outside urban areas, but the Icelandic Meteorological Office officially issues risk assessments.


Jóhann Örn Friðsteinsson
Engineering geologist
Svið: Infrastructure