
Risk management

We help companies minimise losses and maximise opportunities at all levels of projects and business operations.

The first step in managing risk is to understand it, and Verkís’ experts assist in the analysis and assessment of risk.

Identify, inform, determine

Risk management is a systematic approach applied across the life cycle of the project to identify, inform, and determine how to respond to opportunities and threats facing a project or company. Our experts also use management for risk to look at how to minimise risk or maximise opportunity through mitigating measures.

Verkís’ experts are experienced in this field. They know how to apply risk management to systematically address risks and follow a defined process for responding to them.

The aim of management the riskis, to ensure continuous operations, the safety of employees and society under any circumstances that may arise, and to aim for an acceptable result at all times with regard to the underlying risk factors in the operation.



Carine Chatenay
Civil Engineer M.Sc. / Marketing manager
Field : Energy and industry

Dóra Hjálmarsdóttir

Dóra Hjálmarsdóttir
HSE representative and consultant / Electrical Engineer M.Sc. / Certified Emergency Manager CEM®
Field : Buildings