
Maintenance of Structures

Verkís provides services and consultation in the field of maintenance, from expert assistance for private property purchases to specific maintenance plans and changes to structures.

With your best interests at heart

Normal maintenance of buildings and structures is necessary if the properties are to retain their value. If owners do not perform such maintenance, maintenance costs can multiply. Delays in normal exterior maintenance can also cause significant damage to the interior.

Verkís provides various types of consultation and services regarding the maintenance of structures. Our experts have comprehensive knowledge of sick building syndrome and mold, and have carried out such consulting work all over the country. They also provide consultation on old architecture, maintenance of the erosion cover of buildings, and maintenance of utility and energy structures. Our experts can also provide consultation on improvements to acoustics, lighting, and fire prevention, as well as wiring, electrical, and ventilation systems.

Professional audits and opinions on the maintenance of any type of structure enable owners to work systematically on maintenance. Our consultants have specialised in preparing a professional assessment of how you can best maintain your property.

We place great emphasis on good cooperation with buyers and thus ensure that the project will be as successful as possible. This is our goal.



Flosi Sigurðsson
Civil Engineer M.Sc. / Marketing manager
Division: Buildings

Indriði Níelsson
Structural Engineer M.Phil. / Marketing manager
Division: Buildings