
Telecommunication Utilities

Good telecommunication utilities increase the quality of life and increase job opportunities in remote areas.

Verkís offers multi-faceted services regarding the preparation and design of telecommunication utilities for parties who want to build a telecommunications network in a defined geographical area.

Diverse experience

Municipalities are increasingly starting to develop telecommunications utilities. This is done at the request of the residents, as they say that the younger generations do not want to come home unless the internet connection is decent. A better internet connection will also mean that job opportunities will be more diverse in remote areas around the country. The largest system that Verkís has participated in designing is the telecommunication system of Lína-Net, now Gagnaveita Reykjavíkur.

Verkís has also participated in building telecommunication utilities in the areas of factories and power plants.

Times are changing at a rapid pace, and Verkís’ experts do their best to keep a close eye on developments and technological innovations in order to always offer the latest and best solutions on the market.

The future is an unwritten page. The only thing we can guarantee is that we will forever strive for cost-effective and modern solutions that meet the needs of our countrymen.


Bjarni Bjarnason
Electrical Engineer B.Sc.
Division: Energy and industry