
Security and Telecommunications Systems

The state of security and telecommunications Systems in buildings is an important factor in ensuring the safety of those in the building.

Security issues are important to us all, so everyone benefits from having them in order.

A safe environment

Verkís provides consultation in the field of electronic communication systems and security, from the design of security systems for homes to complex solutions for companies. We analyse the current situation and make sure that the solutions we offer are tailored to the needs of the buyer.

Security design is divided into two branches. On the one hand, there is safety-technical design that includes, among other things, security levels, risk analysis, traffic through the building/area, and access issues. On the other hand, there is security system design that deals with security systems and surveillance equipment.

Verkís offers comprehensive consultation in the field of telecommunication system design, both in the immediate environment as well as regarding telecommunication between places/regions. Since today’s demands are that all of us and our devices can be in constant communication, it is important that additions and changes are simple, and that the operational security of the system is good.

Our experts are always up to date and keep a close eye on all kinds of technological innovations and developments. This is how we create a safe environment for you and yours.

Verkís offers diverse solutions, both for large companies and households, because we know that security is important to all of us.


Eiríkur K. Þorbjörnsson
Electrical Engineer / Security and Risk management M.Sc. / Marketing manager
Field : Buildings

Björn Ingi Sverrisson
Electrical Engineer B.Sc. / Group Leader
Field : Buildings