
CE Markings

The CE marking of equipment relates to the safety of workers and ensures that the manufacturer has done everything to make the equipment safe.

Equipment sold or put into use within the European Economic Area, EEA, must always be CE marked.

Valuable support

With the CE markings, the manufacturer guarantees that the specific equipment meets the legal health and safety requirements that apply to it. It is therefore an urgent safety issue that all equipment is CE marked to ensure the safety of workers at the workplace.

It can seem complicated and difficult to CE mark equipment, systems, products, or devices. Many feel overwhelmed by that task However, Verkís’ experts have years of experience in meeting CE conformity criteria. With our support, this process will be as simple as possible.

Verkís undertakes to review the customer’s equipment and assess what is needed so that the equipment complies with current regulations, directives, and standards. We also take on consultation and design of the necessary modifications and upgrades so that the equipment meets CE conformity criteria.


Kristján G. Sveinsson
Civil Engineer M.Sc.
Division: Energy and industry