

Verkís provides services in the field of design and supervision of all aspects of tunnels, both at home and abroad.

Experts at Verkís have completed the design of road and water tunnels in Iceland and abroad.

Safety and quality of life

When designing tunnel, a risk assessment is conducted, which is used in the design criteria and ensures that all safety aspects are met in the construction and operation of the tunnel. We take pride in keeping up with new solutions in the design of tunnels in our neighboring countries, and are constantly adding to our knowledge in this field. In this way, we meet the latest standards and ensure the safety of the public.

The Icelandic landscape has no comparison and we pride ourselves on designing tunnels that fit into our unique environment.



Guðmundur Jónsson
Civil Engineer M.Sc. / Group Leader
Field : Infrastructure

Grétar Páll Jónsson
Civil Engineer M.Sc. / Marketing manager
Field : Infrastructure