
Wind Power

The development of wind farms has been rapid in recent years, so the price of energy from wind farms is approaching being competitive with other energy production.

Verkís’ services cover all aspects of wind farms.

An inexhaustible resource

It can be expected that the installation of wind turbines in Iceland will increase significantly in the coming years. Verkís has participated in many of the experimental projects that are currently underway or have been reviewed. In most cases, these have been feasibility studies.

The wind is indeed an inexhaustible resource that Icelanders have easy access to. It is because of this that wind energy has gained ground in recent years and the design and development of such power stations has become more prominent.

The advantages of wind farms and wind turbines are numerous, not the of which is that the carbon footprint of such plants is very low. Verkís’ experts have a lot of knowledge and experience in the field of wind turbines and take pride in following developments and progress in this field in order to always be able to offer the latest and most cost-effective solutions with an environmental perspective at the forefront.

Wind turbines have become widespread in recent years, as there is no shortage of strong winds in Iceland.


Carine Chatenay
Civil Engineer M.Sc. / Marketing manager
Field : Energy and industry

Kristín Martha Hákonardóttir

Civil Engineer / Fluid Dynamics Ph.D. / Group Leader
Field : Energy and industry